
A blog?? Yes a blog.

So this is were I’m at,  a blog. You see I want to share with you all how no matter what I’ve been through or I’m going through that through it all, GOD.

I was born and raised in hawaii,  a place which many know as a place of beauty,  but even beauty has a ugly side. Growing up I remember church always being something we went to and it’s what you’d expect growing up in a christian (BASED) household. What I mean by based is we knew who GOD was and some of the things we should or shouldn’t do, but to know if the tree is healthy it must bear good fruit meaning salvation isn’t just knowing of GOD but also bearing good fruit. I remember falling asleep in the back of church just waiting for it to finish not really knowing why I was there. You figure growing up in church life would be easy everything would be good, but that is as far from the truth as the east is to the west.

This is where things changed. When I was about 6 or 7 I was introduced to pornography by a family member. Yeah yeah I know what your saying,, big deal everyone watches our has watched it and it’s no big deal.  Or is it? You see I want to share with you how GOD has shown himself relevant in my life to where I need not to look to the world for relevancy but look to HIM for all I need. I want to share with you how a seed planted can grow and grow even though it may not manifest and break through the soil but it’s roots go deeper and deeper. But that through it all,  GOD remained the same, he never changed never moved.  I hope you come along with me through this story of life of how what some may not call an addiction became a weight to heavy to carry.